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What our customers are saying

Cathy has given me more focus on what I need to do to build my business, what obstacles I need to overcome to get where I want to go and gave me the tools to put together a plan to get my career moving forward. Cathy brings direction and guidance to people along the a path that they may be unfamiliar with in a non-threatening way. She draws out their personality to identify strengths and weaknesses and how to help turn the weaknesses into a strength. All these facets were used to help us to identify our dream, put a name to it, take steps to remove barriers that would stop us from reaching our goals!

Janice S.

Dream coaching really helped by prioritizing what is important in my life. It helped me achieve goals that I wanted to hit for so long in my life but could not understand why I couldn't get there. I have a much more fulfilled life. I know what I want and I know how to get there and I am getting there everyday. Cathy you have been a tremendous help in this. Your emotion and caring and you seem to get what I am saying. Even if I don't. You can sense it. You have a true gift. You always knew the right thing to say and I was never embarrassed to share things with you. You truly help me Change my life!!

Melissa A

Put a stake in the ground and follow your dreams! Cathy helped me to figure out my purpose in life, plan projects to achieve my dreams, and create a plan of action that helped me get the ball rolling! The time spent with Cathy as a life coach was invaluable in helping me to move forward on what matters most to me. Thank you Cathy for your insight and vision.

Rachel R

Cathy enabled us with the path & information to formulate what we wanted to accomplish; you steered us in the direction we were headed but sometimes afraid to admit or say it out loud; you "coached" but did not give us the answer you just asked the right questions to get us there and ultimately see what we had wanted all along; your invaluable training and insight assisted the process of getting us to our individual conclusions. Listening to the others also assisted in seeing what it was we wanted.

Jean V.

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